C. J. Steuart Thomas III 

C. J. Steuart Thomas III, a native of Staunton, is an attorney with TimberlakeSmith where he leads the firm’s medical malpractice and health care law section. A fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, he also is an adjunct professor at Washington & Lee Law School, where he teaches trial practice. Steuart was the president of the Virginia Bar in 2018 and continues to serve as its immediate past president. 

He also has served for many years on the Board of the Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation. Steuart received his B.A. from the University of Virginia and his J.D. from Washington & Lee Law School. He and his wife Marie reside in Staunton where they raised four children and an adopted nephew. In his free time he enjoys his family, fly fishing, tending his Highland County property on the Bullpasture River, and cheering for UVA sports teams